Courses / 

Why and How to Source Companies That Are Not For Sale

Traditionally everybody believes that M&A is only done in a marketplace where there is a willing buyer and a willing seller. However, businesses will eventually be sold. In this course, learn why and how to source companies that are not for sale.

What you’ll learn

  • Why You Should Source Companies That Are Not For Sale
  • An Auction Process vs Proprietary Deals
  • How to Source Targets
  • Opportunities Outside of Traditional Mergers and Acquisitions

Course content

How to Find Potential Targets

Selecting Who to Talk to

Company Reach Out

Drafting Emails

The First Conversation

Course summary ebook

Who is this course for

This course is for interested in learning how to source deals from businesses who are not actively seeking to engage to M&A.


Rishabh Mishra
Corporate Development (Mergers & Acquisitions) | Investment Banking | Corporate Finance | Investor Relations

Rishabh Mishra is a corporate development and investment banking professional with two decades of value creation experience for stakeholders across geographies.


Upon completion, members will receive a "Why and How to Source Companies That Are Not For Sale" badge.

Have any questions?

What is the M&A Science Academy?

The M&A Science Academy is an online-platform where you can access courses taught by M&A professionals. The courses cover a wide variety of M&A topics such as integration, divestitures, due diligence, management styles, and more.

The M&A Science Academy includes courses from M&A experts who are eager to share their stories, failures, and successes.

Our goal is to provide users with knowledge from industry practitioners that can be applied to their own practices.

Where can I watch the courses?

All courses are available 24/7 on the M&A Science Thinkific page.

Which courses are right for me?

The M&A Science Academy courses were created to cover a range of topics based upon common M&A challenges. We are going to be adding new content regularly so feel free to explore new areas!