Courses / 

How to Build an M&A Plan

In this course, Aaron Whiting gets tactical by explaining his approach to using an M&A plan. He’ll describe the first plan he ever received, what he did with it, and why he doesn’t like templates.

What you’ll learn

  • Driving the Plan vs. Being Driven by the Plan
  • Walkthrough of Closeouts
  • Walking Managers Through the Process
  • Advice for Leaders

Course content

As you present the concept of the plan vs. the plan, what type of pushback do you receive?

Meetings and Cadences

Getting an integration team back on track

The downside of using templates

Most common M&A plan challenges

The dos and don't of following an M&A plan

Who is this course for

Anyone interested in learning how to build their own M&A plan, the roles involved in an M&A plan, and what to watch out for when using templates.


Aaron Whiting
Chief of Staff and Transformation at Crownoeak

Aaron Whiting has extensive knowledge of corporate development and acquisition integration. He has over a decade of experience with scoping, designing, and quarterbacking the delivery of solutions to the end-user through various roles and focuses. Though passionate about streamlining the business process through the use of technology, he focuses on the end-user experience and seeks to fully understand the end-user problem before designing and prescribing a solution.


Upon complete, members will receive a "How to Build an M&A Plan" course completed badge.

Have any questions?

What is the M&A Science Academy?

The M&A Science Academy is an online-platform where you can access courses taught by M&A professionals. The courses cover a wide variety of M&A topics such as integration, divestitures, due diligence, management styles, and more.

The M&A Science Academy includes courses from M&A experts who are eager to share their stories, failures, and successes.

Our goal is to provide users with knowledge from industry practitioners that can be applied to their own practices.

Where can I watch the courses?

All courses are available 24/7 on the M&A Science Thinkific page.

Which courses are right for me?

The M&A Science Academy courses were created to cover a range of topics based upon common M&A challenges. We are going to be adding new content regularly so feel free to explore new areas!